Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Monday, December 22, 2014

How Monetize Your Blog Using Best 5 Ways For 2014

How Monetize Your Blog Using Best 5 Ways For 2014

Monetize your blog is terrific tactic to earn money. People will have own websites, or maybe personal web content whereby they categorical opinions and relate with compatible people to monetize your blog. Alternately, they will participate on any social networking web site, and make content which might earn them some revenues for his/her thoughts. Some people earn more money compared to others despite the fact, that there might not be a lot of distinction within the content. The ways to monetize your blog for make money online. Monetize your blog with multiple methods for making money online. It’s as a result of these people adopt the ways to monetize your blog.
Best 5 ways to monetize your blog for 2014
How Monetize Your Blog Using Best 5 Ways For 2014

1. Affiliate Promoting
This is one thing everyone has got about, however few very observe what it means that. The content is main key, if content is king then must affiliate promoting to monetize your blog. There are guaranteed to be words within the content which will be clicked and which may take visitors to websites of companies or business enterprises, either directly or indirectly. Such clicking on the web site is rewarded or monetizes your blog by the business as a result of its driving traffic towards it to monetize your blog. These advertisers buy such affiliate promoting facility. Such promoting is simpler than ancient promoting.
2. Collect Membership Fee
Many blogs deal free access to the content. This little doubt helps to extend the traffic and consequently businesses would be prompted to lodge their links on such free access to the content websites. For example of this can be the horoscope web site, that is connected with birthstones. Therefore, jewelers would be prompted to lodge their links on such web site. However if the membership were to be created; exclusive by charging a fee, then the target market would be a lot of clearly outlined by the users of the positioning. Additionally, the blog or web site owner would earn regular revenue within the variety of such membership fees and best way to monetize your blog.
3. Advertising
Adverting is also good idea to monetize your blog.  When compatible people arrive on a page or monetizing your blog, they are doing quite reading the post. They will share the content if it’s post or opinion that matters with others in their group. This successively might end in a lot of traffic to the page or the web site. This attracts advertisers agency would really like to lodge their links thereon page for targeting the group. By permitting a business person lodge their link on your blog, you became eligible for a few revenues as per settled terms. It’s one among the oldest on-line promoting ways; however it still is as effective method for earning money. It’s necessary to own smart Alexa ranking for this. Alexa ranking is given on count of traffic to the blog page or post. Content has to be modified at regular intervals still as a result of keywords has restricted generation. You’ll visit to assess the content for varied SEO criteria like page rank, Alexa rank, Internet Protocol (IP) and so on.
Best 5 ways to monetize your blog for 2014 continue…
4. Get Copyrights for your Content
Any blog or website monetization ways would to go hand in hand with SEO techniques so that such websites, pictures or web content are listed inside the primary few pages that search engines produce. Effectively those who read or use what you have got there are often asked to buy it.
5. Use Related Links
Internet is flooded with many thousands of blogs or websites and pages. Monetize your blog through related links; create called dofollow or nofollow backlinks. Search engines produce lists based the words that users request. Users tend to go to solely those pages that are listed on the primary few pages of the list and also the links utilized in the web pages are crucial. Whereas unrelated links of the business might also be clicked by the user, related links fare far better. It additionally dictates the type of content you must to be writing concerning. These 5 ways to monetize your blog must to work well in 2014 for any on-line promoting or marketing still as blog monetizing initiatives.

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Profit Builder Be a Marketing Master in Minutes with ZERO
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Sunday, December 21, 2014

6 Organic Strategies Conservation of Natural SEO

6 Organic Strategies Conservation of Natural SEO

Conservation of Natural Protected areas are not sufficient for nature conservation, especially for migratory ... The ability to define strategies that combine these and other management engine optimization is a precious resource. However, due to spam and dozens of other unsavory practices that pollute the Internet, this resource is being exploited at the expense of its natural inhabitants – the users.
Aim for organic or natural tactics to create a sustainable future for your website and its users using these tips!
Conservation of Natural SEO

1. Website Ownership

Own your website. Can you achieve success with a free-host provider? Yes, but there are a few things working against you. First, you have greater control over the design and architecture if you own your own website. Second, users and publishers are more inclined to trust websites that have a vested interest. And finally, free-hosts are prone to spam, which may result in search engine penalties.
2. Website Content and Structure

Natural SEO embodies originality, quality, relevance, navigation, and transparency on every page. You should test the quality of your website, page for page. Stay away from unnatural methods like doorway pages, shadow domains, and other deceptive practices. Clean up your website and implement measures to prevent any unnatural links coming from or pointing toward your website. Tip: Check out Google’s Webmaster Tools to test the health of your website, understand your traffic and more.

3. Quality, Original Content

Content advocates your authority in your niche and promotes stickiness a lower bounce rate. Target your readers by ensuring a good user experience and use creative content both onsite and off. Submit articles to credible article directories, guest post on quality websites, create informational products, shoot videoes, etc. – get your original content out there to let your voice be heard and brand be seen by users and search engines. Reuse your successful articles to create valuable content for your website, social media, and more.

4. Social Interaction

Social is being integrated more and more into natural SEO every day. From +1's to tweets to likes, links shared on social media sites have a positive exposure impact. Considerations of social interaction include authority, following, relevance, positive engagement, and diversity of sources. Some tips to encourage social engagement: keep it short, visual, regular, relevant, timely, and motivating use a call-to-action.

5. Relevant Keyword Research

Using tools like Google’s Keyword Tool or your Traffic Search Terms, look for quality, relevant keywords that suit your platform and your audience. Use these keywords to brainstorm new content, but moderate your usage and integrate keywords properly to avoid unnatural SEO avoid keyword stuffing!.

6. Long-Tail Method

Write dynamic, high-demand articles using the long-tail method. Using your keywords, reader-oriented benefits, and power words, create great dynamic long-tail titles within 65-70 characters. For example, Weight Loss Tips may be in demand, but it’s also in the highest supply (more competition). However, you increase your chances by targeting where demand is high, but the supply is much lower: Weight Loss for Women Over 40: Top 7 Painless Tips to Drop a Size.

Use the above natural SEO tips to foster a great user experience and a healthy web environment. What natural SEO tactics work for you? Let us know in the comments section below – we’d love to hear from you!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

SEO and Social Media Marketing Links Are Now 100 Percent NOFOLLOW

SEO and Social Media Marketing Links Are Now 100 Percent NOFOLLOW

Links Are Now 100 Percent NOFOLLOW,Wikipedia is now using NoFollow for external links and Google ... this two years ago and
Links Are Now 100 Percent NOFOLLOW

comment and trackback spam is still 100 times worse now. ..... and linking them wouldn't

result in a link back in 99 percent of all cases.I sometimes feel we should have made this

decision years ago, but our members made it loud and clear to us that they valued the links

in the Resource Box that didn’t include the NOFOLLOW attribute, even though we’ve felt the

importance of this attribute has been muted due to the several hundred signals that search

engines now use to determine rank and search results.

Today is a turning point where we believe there is more UPSIDE to moving 100% of to NOFOLLOW than a downside loss in confidence by members who may believe


We don’t guess; we test. :-)

The goal here at has always been to help our Members to publish high

quality articles that will increase traffic back to your website, help you build credibility

and influence within your industry of expertise, and also to gain media exposure. Every

single year, we have raised the bar and set higher quality standards to ensure we’re

delivering the best end-user experience.

Quick Overview

In the past, we allowed Members to place up to 1-2 links in their Resource Box and these did

not include the NOFOLLOW attribute. This meant they instructed the search engines to infer

that these links should bleed value from our site, brand and reputation.

Keep in mind that search engines now use several hundred signals to deliver their results

and the NOFOLLOW attribute was only one of several hundred signals. Perhaps it had a lot of

importance in the first year of its introduction, but that importance is no longer the same

today in 2014.

As the criteria for page indexing and search engine ranking has changed over time, we

updated our standards on what types of links were accepted. For example, on several

occasions we updated our requirements in terms of overall link quality. On another occasion,

we updated our criteria to ensure the link content was relevant to the topic of the article.

All of this was done in order to ensure that links in the Resource Box that didn’t have a

NOFOLLOW attribute adhered to the highest standards of relevance and value for end users.

Our Future with NOFOLLOW Links

Typically, sites that use NOFOLLOW links tend to be considered higher quality websites that

in turn see higher overall traffic.

Also, in the past, search engines relied more heavily on links when determining how to index

pages in search engine results. New data implies that search engines are relying less on the

content’s links and more on other quality content aspects.

In order to evaluate how we can get our members the most exposure and traffic, we updated

all links to NOFOLLOW as a test to see how articles and overall site performance is


Please be assured, we gave this decision a great deal of contemplation that was backed with

plenty of market research and determined it was necessary for us to test with NOFOLLOW links


Dispelling Your Concerns

Essentially, there are many pieces of the puzzle that determine how a page is indexed by

search engines. We can say with confidence that links without the NOFOLLOW attribute don’t

carry as much weight as they did in the past. There are many content marketers who have

found success in posting to NOFOLLOW pages as the website itself holds a higher ranking.

In the grand scheme of things, transparency and quality content will always rise to the top.

If you post an excellent article sharing new information that uses natural keywords and

includes a high quality relevant link, your readers will be more likely to engage. These

types of organic, natural efforts will result in a bottom-line that truly matters.

In addition, when your articles are shared by another person, it’s possible to gain links

that may not include the NOFOLLOW attribute on other more highly-niche resource websites,

which results in natural backlinking, one of the keys to search engine optimization.

Moving Forward

There is no way to know if something works unless you test!

If we see better results for our Members, we will keep the links NOFOLLOW from here forward.

If we see a negative change for a substantial amount of individual articles and our website

as a whole, we will re-evaluate this decision.

This was a very difficult decision for several years, but in today’s current SEO climate,

this was a much easier decision and we think it’s in our mutual best interests.

Because our goal is to deliver you the most traffic possible in exchange for your high

quality unique article submissions, we believe today’s change has very little downside and

most likely only an upside. Time will tell and we will monitor this closely. We don’t guess

We test.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

How to Build Optimized Quality Backlinks

How to Build Optimized Quality Backlinks

The question is how to get them. While with on-page content optimization it seems easier because everything is up to you to do and decide, with back links it looks like you have to rely on others to work for your success. Well, this is partially true because while back-links are links that start on another site and point to yours, you can discuss with the Web master of the other site details like the anchor text, for example. Yes, it is not the same as administering your own sites – i.e. you do not have total control over backlinks – but still there are many aspects that can be negotiated.
How to Build Optimized Quality Backlinks

Getting Backlinks the Natural Way

The idea behind including backlinks as part of the page rank algorithm is that if a page is good, people will start linking to it. And the more backlinks a page has, the better. But in practice it is not exactly like this. Or at least you cannot always rely on the fact that your contents is good and people will link to you. Yes, if your content is good and relevant you can get a lot of quality backlinks, including from sites with similar topic as yours (and these are the most valuable kind of backlinks, especially if the anchor text contains your keywords) but what you get without efforts could be less than what you need to successfully promote your site. So, you less than what you need to successfully promote your site. So, you will have to resort to other ways of acquiring quality backlinks as described next.

Ways to Build Backlinks

Even if plenty of backlinks come to your site the natural way, additional quality backlinks are always welcome and the time you spend building them is not wasted. Among the acceptable ways of link building are getting listed in directories, posting in forums, blogs and article directories. The unacceptable ways include inter-linking (linking from one site to another site, which is owned by the same owner or exists mainly for the purpose to be a link farm), linking to spam sites or sites that host any kind of illegal content, purchasing links in bulk, linking to link farms, etc.

The first step in building backlinks is to find the places from which you can get quality backlinks. A valuable assistant in this process is the Backlink Builder tool. When you enter the keywords of your choice, the Backlink Builder tool gives you a list of sites where you can post an article, message, posting, or simply a backlink to your site. After you have the list of potential backlink partners, it is up to you to visit each of the sites and post your content with the backlink to your site in it.

You might wonder why sites as those, listed by the Backlink Builder tool provide such a precious asset as backlinks for free. The answer is simple – they need content for their site. When you post an article, or submit a link to your site, you do not get paid for this. You provide them for free with something they need – content – and in return they also provide you for free with something you need – quality backlinks. It is a free trade, as long as the sites you post your content or links are respected and you don't post fake links or content.

Getting Listed in Directories

If you are serious about your Web presence, getting listed in directories like DMOZ, Yahoo, Jasmine Directory and others quality directories is a must – not only because this is a way to get some quality backlinks for free, but also because this way you are easily noticed by both search engines and potential visitors. Generally inclusion in search directories is free but the drawback is that sometimes you have to wait a couple of months before you get listed in the categories of your choice.

Forums and Article Directories

Generally search engines index forums so posting in forums and blogs is also a way to get quality backlinks with the anchor text you want. If the forum or blog is a respected one, a backlink is valuable. However, in some cases the forum or blog administrator can edit your post, or even delete it if it does not fit into the forum or blog policy. Also, sometimes administrators do not allow links in posts, unless they are relevant ones. In some rare cases (which are more an exception than a rule) the owner of a forum or a blog would have banned search engines from indexing it and in this case posting backlinks there is pointless.

While forum postings can be short and do not require much effort, submitting articles to directories can be more time-consuming because generally articles are longer than posts and need careful thinking while writing them. But it is also worth and it is not so difficult to do.

Content Exchange and Affiliate Programs

Content exchange and affiliate programs are similar to the previous method of getting quality backlinks. For instance, you can offer to interested sites RSS feeds for free. When the other site publishes your RSS feed, you will get a backlink to your site and potentially a lot of visitors, who will come to your site for more details about the headline and the abstract they read on the other site.

Affiliate programs are also good for getting more visitors (and buyers) and for building quality backlinks but they tend to be an expensive way because generally the affiliate commission is in the range of 10 to 30 %. But if you have an affiliate program anyway, why not use it to get some more quality backlinks?

News Announcements and Press Releases

Although this is hardly an everyday way to build backlinks, it is an approach that gives good results, if handled properly. There are many sites (for instance, here is a list of some of them) that publish for free or for a fee news announcements and press releases. A professionally written press release about an important event can bring you many, many visitors and the backlink from a respected site to yours is a good boost to your SEO efforts. The tricky part is that you cannot release press releases if there is nothing newsworthy. That is why we say that news announcements and press releases are not a commodity way to build backlinks.

Backlink Building Practices to Avoid

One of the practices that is to be avoided is link exchange. There are many programs, which offer to barter links. The principle is simple – you put a link to a site, they put a backlink to your site. There are a couple of important things to consider with link exchange programs. First, take care about the ratio between outbound and inbound links. If your outbound links are times your inbound, this is bad. Second (and more important) is the risk that your link exchange partners are link farms. If this is the case, you could even be banned from search engines, so it is too risky to indulge in link exchange programs.

Linking to suspicious places is something else that you must avoid. While it is true that search engines do not punish you if you have backlinks from such places because it is supposed that you have no control over what bad guys link to, if you enter a link exchange program with the so called bad neighbors and you link to them, this can be disastrous to your SEO efforts. For more details about bad neighbors, check the Bad Neighborhood article. Also, beware of getting tons of links in a short period of time because this still looks artificial and suspicious

How to Finds New, Fans, Funny, Engagement Blogging Topics ?

How to Finds New, Fans, Funny, Engagement  Blogging Topics ?

I find running them manually works best for boosting engagement (e.g. ... Statistics or data: Share new, relevant industry statistics (these perform ...If you’res likes most of us, sometimes you get stuck. No matter how
Engagement  Blogging Topics

hard you try you can’t think of what to write that will interest your

blogging network.
The problem is that we can’t just write about whats we want, right? We

have to write topics that are geared towards our audience. So, when

I’ve hit a dead end, I like tos:
Look on social media
I’m sure that you’ve read lots of advice about how to figure out what

went viral and use it in your business. Well, don’t do that.

Seriouslys, stop blogging what everyone else is blogging.
Instead, I want you to spin the ideas you see on social media

differently than you are currently seeing them. If someone wrote an

article titled, The 10 Bests of something, go ahead and write, The 10

Worst of the same thing. If you see that a friends is asking a

question, answer the question … in a blog.
If their question is: Where should I take my family for a beach

The blog will be: 3 Best Beaches for Kids (That Won’t Break the Banks)
Here’s an extra tip: Throw your post into the comment section after

you’re done. You’ll get to piggy-back on their following but in a

meaningful way that shouldn’t get you the stink eye from social media

Ask for ideas from your audience
Companies sometimes forget one major thing about mining for new

content; You can ask your people what they want to read from you. I

recently read a true-story adventure book by an author who never once

mentioned her personal life.
She popped in references to Whole Foods and Gucci shoes, but I’ll be

darned if after 300 pages I knew if she had a boyfriend at home or not

… or a cat, for that matter.
You can also ask your contractorss, vendors, employees and other

associates to give you three topics each. Title a mass email: “Blog

Help, Please” and let your team give you advice.
Have a good following? Send out a Survey Monkey questionnaire. Phrase

every question in a way that makes it necessary to give solid answers.

So, if you’re a travel agency, mining for new beach content:
Where is your favorite beach?
How many days are ideal for a beach vacation?
What three things make a good beachs?
Turn the answers into a research based blog topic that will be

completely unique to you – a hugely shareable feature of blogs, by the

way – such as: “Wow! 300 People Said This Was Their Best Beach

Take pictures to inspire yous Oncse upon a time, long long ago when

being a professional copywriter was just a twinkle in my 20-something

year old eye, I had to write for a sign company blog. Bleh.
And it was brutal to get some of those SEO keywords into the blog. I

learned one little trick that helped me rank some of the top blogs in

the company; I started to use pictures.
When you see anything at all related to your field sin action, snap a

picture with your phone. I was able to show my audience a rusted

channel letter (and hows to fix it or call a sign service to fix it)

as well as exactly how grocery stores were using floor graphics.
The bonus is that you own the photoss. Plus you probably won’t find

any images specific to those topics online. It makes it easy to

discuss whats you need to without any fear that you won’t be offering

a fun, funny, cool Engagement topic.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How to FAIL at Network Marketing on Social Media

How to FAIL at Network Marketing on Social Media

Many people rush into social networks and start shouting sales pitches, without even ... Agility: The one Advantage SMBs and Startups have in Online Marketing ...Why Do Network Marketers Fail | The #1 Reason Why 97% Don't .... me a comment below and/or share via social media sites like Facebook, ...
When it comes to business, social networks are an amazing communication tool. They connect new relationships and re-kindle the old. They facilitate conversation, help organize events, and spread information. They can even be a great place to promote your business… when you do it correctly!
How to FAIL at Network Marketing on Social Media
How to FAIL at Network Marketing on Social Media

If you’re active on a social network, such as Facebook, you may know a person who uses it to SPAM their business promotions. They push their products, invite you to countless events, pretend to be genuine, and simply plug your feed with endless promotional JUNK until you’re compelled to unfollow or defriend them.

Because some of our article writers are involved with affiliate or network marketing, we want to share some insight on the best practices.

So, how do you know when your social network promotion is pushing the limit? Easy.

Here are 3 people you DON’T want to become.

The “Get Rich Quick” Girl – This young lady joined a network marketing business because she wanted to be a stay at home mom and make quick, easy money while doing it. She doesn’t have business experience, but her brand ambassador assured her it would be simple. She primarily uses Facebook to promote her products, and her posts sound more like a PLEA than a quality pitch. A supportive friend asked for product information and she simply led them to a website to answer their questions. She mysteriously stopped selling after 6 months.

Lesson: Network marketing isn’t a “get rich quick” solution. It requires tons of dedication and hard work. If you’re going to sell a product, know your product! Compare it to a person who goes to work, but doesn’t know how to do their job. They won’t have a paycheck for long!

The Cult Recruiter – This person knows they need to get others on board in order to succeed. He spends hours sending messages to everybody on his friend lists. He tags people in all of his posts about the product. Slowly you start seeing more people you know joining his “cult.” He continues to push the “cool factor” and makes it seem like everybody is joining. Ultimately, he dedicates too much time to recruiting his clique and everything falls apart because the product was a failure. He loses friends in the process.

Lesson: Don’t be a bully. Be sure people join for the right reasons. Running a network marketing business shouldn’t be something you lose friends over because of the false promises you made. Make sure you BELIEVE in your product!

Miss Insincere – She fills your news feed with product testimonials that were copied from others in her network marketing circle. She posts terrible quality graphics and photographs that she found in an image search of her company name. Her posts are obnoxiously long and you wonder: Does anybody actually read all of this?

Lesson: Be genuine in your Facebook posting. People will know if you took the time to compose the post. They will know if you simply plugged in images from others in your niche. Don’t write a novel. Do be short, sweet and sincere.

To Recap Our Points:

1. Be dedicated and ready to work hard.
2. Know your product inside and out.
3. BELIEVE in your product.
4. Don’t make false promises to recruit others.
5. Be genuine in your efforts.
6. Don’t SPAM your social circle.

Follow these principles and you’re on the right track to build a successful affiliate or a network marketing business for the right reasons!