Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Sunday, December 28, 2014

How Best Home Remedies For Dandruff

How Best Home Remedies For Dandruff

Dandruff is best delineate because the excessive shedding of skin on the scalp. many folks suffer from dandruff issues. fortuitously, there square measure some ways to treat and stop dandruff.
Causes of Dandruff
Dandruff may be a condition marked by excessive scalp flaking and haptic sensation. Dandruff has many causes, together with dry skin, excessive atmospheric condition, secretion changes, associate overgrowth of yeast. Stress and poor diet even have been joined to dandruff.
Dandruff Solution

Home Remedies:

Keep hair and scalp clean to avoid accumulation of dead cells:
The foremost consideration in the treatment of dandruff is to keep the hair and scalp clean so as to minimize the accumulation of dead cells.

Mix lemon peels with extra virgin coconut oil and allow the mixture to absorb direct sunlight for one week or up to 10 days. Strain the mixture and use it to pre-treat hair before shampooing.
Hair should be brushed daily to improve circulation:
The hair should be brushed daily to improve the circulation and remove any flakiness. Exposure of the head to the rays of the sun is also a useful measure in the treatment of dandruff.

Washing hair in green gram powder twice weekly helps keep the scalp healthy and reduces dandruff.

Using olive oil on hair gives the scalp healthy nourishment with such vitamins as vitamins A, E and K. Olive oil also has anti-inflammatory qualities, which can be helpful when the scalp is irritated. Olive oil should be warmed slightly and applied to the hair and scalp, and keep it for at least 30 minutes before shampooing and rinsing.

Dandruff Treatment using Lime:
The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy. This not only leaves the hair glowing but also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff. Lime juice or lemon juice is an excellent oily dandruff home remedy and can also be used to prevent this scalp condition.
Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept open for three days, or with a few drops of lime juice mixed. Apply it on your hair before taking shower.
Dandruff Shampoo

Dandruff Shampoo:
Mild cases of dandruff often can be cured just by washing the hair and scalp daily with a gentle shampoo. Shampooing can remove excess oil and dandruff flakes from the scalp. If a gentle shampoo doesn't do the trick, a medicated dandruff shampoo might be necessary.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Effective Home Remedies For Hair Loss

Effective Home Remedies For Hair Loss 

Loss of hair is very annoying،A few tips for the avoidance of For your benefit,
Hair loss or baldness is the excessive hair loss from scalp and may be heredity, due to certain medications or basic medical condition. People use different medicines to prevent baldness which sometimes have side effects as well. So, if you the problem of hair loss then first you should try home remedies to stop or at least reduce it. Then if you don’t get desired results then you may consult any dermatologist for the solution of your problem.
Effective Home Remedies, For Hair Loss,

Some effective home remedies for hair loss are given below:

Massage of uncooked egg yolk over the scalp helps a lot in reducing hair loss. Wash the hair after 60 minutes. You will notice hairs are looking shiny and healthy after washing.
Use of red henna over the scalp also make the hair healthy and in turn reduce hair loss. You can also use the mixture of mustard oil and henna for healthy hair growth. Burn henna leaves in the oil first. Now filter the oil and massage it regularly.
Prepare a solution by boiling mustard seeds in water. Drink the solution after cooling. It works a lot in reducing hair loss.
Another effective tip to reduce hair fall and promote hair growth is the application of coconut milk over the scalp and rubbing it into roots of the hair.
Prepare a mixture using olive oil, rosemary, lemon juice and egg yolk and apply it into the hair roots. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash off.
Massage of olive oil over the scalp also works in preventing baldness.
Immerse fenugreek (Hilba) in water for a night. Rub the liquid over the scalp and cover it up with a cloth for 3 hours.
Repeat daily for 1 month to get desired results.

Make Up Tips For Summer Time Stay Longer and Fresh

Make Up Tips For Summer Time Stay Longer and Fresh

It's really nice and useful Make Up tips,Summer brings lots of excitements with it, but melting makeup, sliding eyeliner, and supersticky lipstick are not among them. I am going to give some tips to let your make up stay longer and fresh.
Make Up Tips


Before you start doing make up, Apply ice packs on face it reduces sweating to a larger extent.

Use lighter foundation during summer time.
Avoid using very heavy eye shadows and mascaras in summer. Instead, you should use lighter shades.
It's a good idea
to use blush and highlight your cheeks a bit. Your cheeks can be more highlighted with the use of pinks or brown.
Keep your lips moisturized
and prevent drying and cracking in the summer. Make the maximum use of lip glosses with gentle shades.
lips moisturized

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Tree Cookies Lily Vanilli's Matcha

Christmas Tree Cookies Lily Vanilli's Matcha 
Spoil friends and family with a show-stopping cookie tower this Christmas for a unique festive treat that’s sure to impress.
Christmas Tree Cookies Lily Vanilli's Matcha

Serves: 15
Cooking Time:
10 minutes preparation
10 minutes to bake
30 minutes cooling time
5 minutes to assemble one tree


100g Lurpak® Baking
225g granulated white sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
15g matcha green tea powder for colour (optional)
360g plain flour

For buttercream:
300g Lurpak® Baking
600g icing sugar
¼ tsp vanilla extract

Rolling pin
Star cookie cutters in various sizes
Piping bag


Whisk the Lurpak® Baking and icing sugar for 2 – 3 minutes, until well blended. This can easily be done by hand due to the soft texture of Lurpak® Baking, even when straight from the fridge.

Add the vanilla and whisk for 30 – 60 seconds.

Chill before using.

Preheat oven to 180°c/Gas 4.

In a bowl cream together the Lurpak® Baking and sugar until the mixture is pale, light and fluffy. Beat in the egg.

In a separate bowl, sift the baking powder, matcha powder and flour and add in the wet ingredients in two parts. The dough will be very stiff. As the dough comes together, remove from the bowl and continue to knead by hand.

Split the dough into manageable pieces and roll to around ¼ inch thickness.

Cut out star shapes in the various sizes. If you are making multiple trees make sure there is the same amount of each size.

Bake in preheated oven for 6-8 minutes.

Remove from the oven and leave to cool. When firm enough transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Once cool, fill a piping bag with buttercream and cut a small hole in the end (use a small round nozzle if you prefer).

To assemble:

Lay the largest star shape first; pipe around 5mm from the edge of the cookie all the way around then fill the rest. Stack the second largest star shape on top as you wish, either directly or so the pointed edges fill the gaps in the cookie below, repeat this all the way up the second smallest star shape. Pipe as before but place the final star vertical to sit on top of the 'tree'.

Venture forth with the Lurpak® Cook's Range: Cooking Mist, Cooking Liquid, Clarified Butter and Lurpak® Baking. Visit for more information.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Expert Book Natural Beauty Tips Would You Like To Turn The Clock Back

Expert Book Natural Beauty Tips Would You Like To Turn The Clock Back

Why Your Kitchen Holds The Key To Increasing Your Beauty
Would you like to turn the clock back and have your face look 5 to 10 years younger in just minutes a day, all while never even leaving your home?

Would you like to save money every month on those skin creams, expensive hair treatments, and even those painful “tox” procedures, and get it all while receiving the same exact benefits at a fraction of the cost?
Expert Book Natural Beauty Tips

Are you willing to spend just 5 minutes a day to enhance your beauty...naturally, painlessly, and near-effortlessly... giving you results you can see instantly...

all for less than you will spend on lunch today?Just Click

If so, my life’s passion and devotion to empowering women of all ages with the tips and natural techniques that enhance and restore your youthful beauty is going to make you jump for joy...
Yes, Natural Beauty “Secrets” Really Do Exist

When I first became interested in enhancing my beauty—softening the fine lines that started to appear on my face after giving birth, restoring my hair’s youthful luster, and ridding myself of cellulite—I knew I was on to something that few women would ever discover...

And I made a vow to myself to share what I discovered with as many women as possible.

When I began my search for home-based, natural, non-surgical, and inexpensive beauty enhancers, I was absolutely shocked at how manipulative the beauty industry had become...

And how often they lied to women, all for the sake of selling snake oil miracles, and tricking us out of our hard-earned money.

I’m a positive person by nature, so you can imagine how hurt and devastated I felt when learning more about this multi-billion dollar scam—a scam even the smartest of women have fallen for, and one that I have devoted my life to exposing.

Did you know that one of the lies the cosmetic and skin care companies tell women is that there is no such thing as “natural beauty treatments?”

It’s true. In fact, they spend millions of dollars every year trying to convince you that the only solution to younger-looking skin, silky, strong hair, and reducing cellulite is surgery, expensive creams that cost hundreds of dollars a month, or “tox”...

 you know, those needles a lot of us have tried?

Sure, it works—yet, I have something that works without the pain and the expense... and it gives you the same exact result.

I’ll share more about this with you in a moment... first, I really want to be clear about something important. While remarkable natural beauty solutions are out there...

These Unique Beauty Tips Are Really Hard To Find

Ladies, it took me years to discover all the secrets I want to share with you today...

So please, know that it’s not your fault that you’ve never heard of some of these right-in-your-kitchen remedies that you can put on your face, hair, thighs, belly, and more...

Remedies that help to slow the outward signs of aging...

Reducing the severity of fine lines and wrinkles, restoring smooth, youthful skin on your face, neck, breasts, and body...

And that gives you back that super-silky, almost glowing hair you had in your teenage years...

And Just To Think: I Had An Unfair Advantage!

My name is Hanan, and I have a rather embarrassing confession to make before I share these tips with you today:

If I would have listened to my mother, I would have saved a lot of time.

You see, my mother was descended from Persian royalty. She is no longer with us today, and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t miss her. Yet, as a child, as most children do, I thought I knew better.

My mother felt she had to maintain her beauty for political reasons, as well as her own passion for looking her best for my father. She would always share these “crazy” home-based “concoctions” with me (you see, I was her “little Princess.”) I wasn’t interested. After all, I was NEVER going to grow old!

Maybe you can relate to feeling that as a kid as well...

Even into my early 20s, I ignored the advice of my mother out of sheer rebellion. I was caught up in the Lebanon beauty and fashion craze... and all the rave back then was expensive beauty creams from America and Europe.

I thought my mother was just “old-fashioned”. I believed that I was younger, smarter, and more hip to the times.

It took me another fifteen years to realize how wrong I was, and how wise my mother’s beauty solutions really were. She never looked a day over 35, even though she was fifteen years older than that when she passed away too soon in a political attack.

Everything Became Crystal Clear When I Read My Mother’s Journal
I was given my mother’s journal not soon after her passing, along with photos of her throughout her life. I noticed how happy she looked, and how beautiful, even as the years passed...

It looked as if she was born without the “wrinkle gene”.

Even with a tinge of grey in her hair, she looked fifteen years younger than most women her age...

Of course, there was so much more to my mother than her beauty. I’d love to share that with you at another time.

I was going through some really stressful, hurtful times in my life during those days...times that aged me rapidly. My once-youthful skin was aging fast, despite all those fancy and expensive beauty treatments all my friends and I were hooked on.

I was spending hundreds of dollars each and every month, and seeing nothing for my efforts. In fact, I had to face the harsh truth:

I was aging faster than I ever dreamed I would...

However, inside my mother’s journal was the answer:

She had transcribed ALL of her home-based beauty remedies for me to pass down to my own family. What a treasure!

The Answers Were Found For Pennies Right In My Kitchen

I was shocked to re-discover all of her tips, secrets, and remedies... and even more shocked to find out that they had been passed down from Persian royalty for over a thousand years!

Here I was, this know-it-all gal who thought that modern beauty manufacturers surely knew more than my mother... yet little did I know that she was using methods that were virtually sacred to our culture...

Methods of enhancing every aspect of female beauty, without relying on creams (most of which are full of toxins and chemicals that do you far more harm than good), and before the words “plastic surgery” or “the Tox” were ever used.

These were the secrets of actual REAL princesses, queens, and royalty throughout the East and Orient, and I simply could not believe that I had ignored them all these years!

I vowed to make up for my childhood silliness, and devour every word, every tip, every secret my mother passed down to me...

And what surprised me the most? Almost everything I needed to restore my beauty was 7 feet to my left... right in my kitchen.

You see, queens and princesses throughout history only had natural means of increasing and maintaining their youthful beauty...

And if you have seen any of their portraits, or could see my mother’s family line, you would know for a fact they work almost like magic...

So I Decided To Put My Mother’s Secrets, As Well As Dozens Of My Own, Into One Little Beauty “Handbook” For Women

After a few more years of studying what REALLY causes skin to age faster than it should in women, how to reduce cellulite and wrinkles in the most rapid way possible, and uncovering some of the modern era’s most powerful all-natural beauty enhancers, I decided to put everything I discovered into one simple-to-use beauty blueprint for women...

The Beauty of Food is the result, and women from all parts of the world, and of all ages, are raving about the results they are seeing... and the money they are saving... and the pain they are avoiding by using PROVEN beauty solutions that really work!

Inside The Beauty Of Food You Will Discover...
My coveted “Fifty-Cent Botox Alternative” that takes about 7 minutes to prepare, less than $.50 to make, and leaves you looking as if you just went to a Tox Party (just without those red, blotchy marks and needle marks!)
Which foods you can use topically (this is NOT a diet) that instantly improves the tightness and texture of your skin...
The Eastern shiny hair secret that blows away any shampoo...
The "Persian Princess" mixture that I use on myself and my clients to give your neck area a fantastic younger look
Tips for younger looking hands (ladies, you know how important hands are!)
How best to avoid future wrinkles, and how to deal with the ones you may have right now
The very few store-bought items I recommend (there are not many)... and ladies, these are not required (I just wanted to be thorough)
Simple "add this food" tips that will help you slow the aging process... and no, this is not a diet (personally I don't enjoy dieting at all, but I love these tasty foods!)
The real reasons we age faster than we should, and what you can do about it, starting today...
And much, much more...

6 Diet Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Diet Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Skim through the following 6 smart food swaps for weight loss to get rid of extra pounds which can ruin ... If you're really determined to lose weight fast,It is just useless to think about getting slim and smart figure without reducing the 
Anti-Cancer-Diet,Quick Weight Loss,

consumption of high-calorie snacks. So, if you want a dramatic change in your appearance, 

first step is amendment of your diet plan and addition of some food in the routine diet that 

can help you in the accomplishment of your task.

Some six smart food options are there that can help you reduce weight quickly. These 

healthy, nutiritive foods stimulate the fat’s decomposition in the body and the antioxidants 

and vitamins ensure the proper functioning of your metabolic and digestive systems.

Grilled Green Peppers

If you love grilled veggies, incorporate them into your weekly weight-loss plan. One 

plateful of grilled green peppers contains just 4 calories. Combine this food option with 

turkey breast or other veggies to get rid of additional pounds quickly.
Grape Tomatoes

Keep your diet plan diverse be pushing tasty new veggies into your recipes. Tomatoes, a 

vitamin rich natural ingredient, have very low calories. One cup of grape tomatoes has 30 

calories only. So, let tomatoes join hand with you in reducing weight. Eating green salad 

that contains tomato is the easiest way to consume tomatoes regularly.

Brown Rice Roll Sushi

Try new recipes for getting accustomed to a calorie-restrictive and versatile diet plan. One 

brown rice roll sushi offers you just 28 calories and you can consume five pieces of this 

luscious snack without feeling the guilt of gorging and weight-gain.
Broccoli Pancakes

Consume snacks full of vitamins and fiber to suppress your hunger in the smart way. One 

portion of broccoli pancake contains 80 calories only and enables you to resist the 

enticement of cravings. Besides, broccoli also has positive effect on your digestive system.
Scallion Hummus

A snack created by combining baby carrots or celery sticks with 1 tbs. of scallion hummus 

contains only 25 calories. Consuming veggie dips is a perfect way to lose weight without 

depriving yourself of filling foods.
Chives and Sour Cream

Dip celery-sticks or other veggies into this wonderful ingredient mixture. One plateful of 

chives and sour cream encloses 70 calories and helps you a lot in reducing pounds instantly.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Health Tips Fingernail Enhance The Beauty Of Your Nails and Hands

 Health Tips Fingernail Enhance The Beauty Of Your Nails and Hands

Maintain healthy fingernails, avoid infections, and improve nail appearance, try the ... File your nails in one direction and round the tip slightly, rather than filing to a point
Few tips for healthy nails are given below; follow Fingernail Health Tips and Enhance The Beauty Of Your Nails and Hands. Water is a natural ...
Fingernail health helps in preventing some throbbing tissue conditions. Getting the desired fingernails length is not difficult if you follow few tips and take some safety measure.
The Beauty Of Your Nails and Hands

Though any cream or tonic that can turn the dry, brittle and broken nails into long, healthy and strong nails is not yet devised but one can attain the desired strength, health and length for the nails by caring them properly. Few tips for healthy nails are given below; follow Fingernail Health Tips and Enhance The Beauty Of Your Nails and Hands.

Water is a natural foe of fingernails that softens and weakens the nails making them the main target for catastrophe. The vigorous activities i.e. cleansing, dish and laundry washing, scrubbing etc. affect the fingernails badly and cause nil breakage. Make sure donning rubbers gloves whenever working in water. These rubber gloves prevent the direct contact of water and nails thus help a lot in making and keeping the nails strong.

Conditioning the nails in night time is also helpful when it comes to healthy and shiny plus strong nails. The ingredients required for nail conditioning include a pair of white cotton gloves and a good quality hand cream. Before going to bed, slather on the cream on the hands and then cover them up with gloves. This conditioning will not only increase the flexibility of your nails but will also give baby softness to your hands.

Take calcium and vitamin D rich foods. Calcium makes the fingernails strong while vitamin D assists the body in absorbing all the nutrients in better way.

Lastly, avoid cutting your nails with teeth and also avoid using them as utensils since both these habits weaken and de-shape the nails thus make your hands look ugly.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Badaranj Boya-Nepeta Herb-Benefits Of Herbal by samurai

Badaranj Boya-Nepeta Herb-Benefits Of Herbal by samurai

Badaranj Boya (Nepeta hindostana) (Nepeta Herb)
Pharmacological action: Exhilarant, carminative, cephalic tonic, cardiac
Botanical Name: Nepeta cataria.

The scientific family name “Nepeta” comes from Nepeti, a town in the center of Italy where the herb was once cultivated. The species name cataria comes from the Latin word Catari, meaning “cat”. This reflects the special attraction the plant has on cats.

Other Common Names: Catmint, catnep, catswort, fieldbalm, Katzenminze (German), hierba gatera (Spanish), katteurt (Danish), cataire (French).

Habitat: Catnip is native to the countries of Europe with milder climates. It has been introduced and become naturalized in North America and Asia as well. This herb does well in garden soil and does not have much moisture requirements as many other plants.

Plant Description: The plant belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae). It has erect, square, branched stems and it can grow to a height of 2 to 3 feet. The catnip plant sports heart-shaped, toothed leaves in an opposite pattern, which are covered with fine downy hairs, especially on the under sides, giving the plant a grayish appearance.

The small, tubular, two-lipped flowers grow in whorls that become denser as they approach the summit. The flowers are white to lavender with reddish-purple spots. This herb blooms from June to September and has a strong minty fragrance.

Plant Parts Used The entire above-the-ground part of the plant is used and can be gathered just after full bloom and then dried for later use. The flowering tops are most commonly used in medicinal applications. (Folklore states that chewing the root may increase aggressiveness and irritability.)

catnip plant
Catnip in Bloom (Nepeta cataria)
Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Catnip
catnip herb
The Herb Catnip (Nepeta cataria)
Catnip contains essential oil (consisting of nepetalactone, carvacrol, citronellol, nerol, geraniol, pulegon, thymol, caryophyllene and nepetalinic acid), iridoids, tannins and rosmarinic acid.
The soothing effect of catnip is attributed to the substance nepetalactone, not unlike the soothing ingredient found in valerian (Valeriana officinalis). Both nepetalactone and nepetalinic acid have been shown to significantly increase sleep duration in mice.

The plant has been cultivated for centuries and has been used both as an herbal medicine and in cooking. It was one of the most important medicinal herbs in medieval monastery gardens.

Catnip has a diaphoretic effect (increasing perspiration without raising body temperature) and antipyretic (anti-fever) effects so it could have uses for treating colds and as an herbal remedy for symptoms of the flu (influenza).

A mild tea made from the flowering tops may be effective in treating colic, restlessness, motion sickness and nervousness in children.

The antispasmodic qualities of this herb help to relieve many gastrointestinal disorders and cramping.

A poultice of the leaves and flowers can be applied to reduce swelling from rheumatism, soft-tissue injuries and other inflammatory conditions.

A mixture of catnip tea and saffron has shown promise in treating scarlet-fever and small-pox.

Catnip is also used as a muscle relaxant and mild sedative, which is why it is often used to relieve the pain of headaches (especially tension headaches) and migraines. This also explains its use to combat insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Because of the herb’s mild sedative effect it has recently been proposed for use in the treatment of ADHD (hyperactivity) in children.

This plant is also used to bring about the menses in delayed menstruation and increase tone in the uterus.

Nepetalactone, one of the ingredients of the essential oil, is shown to be effective as an insect repellant. It may also work as an external flea treatment on animals.

Catnip has an intoxicating and almost an aphrodisiac effect on many cats. They eat the plants and roll in them with great pleasure. The substance that´s most likely responsible for this effect is actinidine, an iridoid glycoside similar to those found in valerian (Valeriana officinalis). A small cloth bag containing dried leaves can be given to the cat to play with. Most of the time it´s a big hit both for the cat and the owner.

Research has shown that approximately one-third of cats do not respond to the plant. It`s likely the reaction to it is genetically determined, and is transmitted through a dominant gene. Cats that lack this particular gene do not respond to catnip.

This herb is often used for seasoning and meat tenderizing.

Preparation and Usage

Catnip is used as a herb or seasoning on salads. The oils are extracted and taken in capsule form or used externally. The oils or a potpourri concoction is used for aroma therapy.

The herb can also be steeped as a tea. The tea may be prepared by adding 1 to 2 teaspoons to 1 cup of hot (not boiling) water. Steep it for 10 minutes then strain. It´s common to take the capsules or tea three times daily.

Possible Side Effects and Interactions of Catnip

Catnip is not associated with any common side effects. The possibility of this herb causing uterine contractions means pregnant women should avoid using it. This herb has also shown no contraindications with other medicines.

However, it´s always a good idea to discuss any new herbal treatments with a professional health care provider if it´s an addition to existing prescription medications.

Supporting References

Williamson, Elisabeth M.: Potter’s Herbal Cyclopaedia. Essex, England. Saffron Walden 2003.
Bown, Deni: The Royal Horticultural Society New Encyclopedia of Herbs & Their Uses. London, Dorling Kindersley 2002.
Cech, Richo: Making Plant Medicine. Williams, Oregon. Horizon Herbs 2000.
Gregg, Susan: The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Magical Plants. Beverly, Massachusetts, Fair Winds Press 2008.
Gruenwald, Joerg et al.: PDR for Herbal Medicines. 4th Ed. Montvale, New Jersey, Thomson Healthcare Inc. 2007.
van Wyk, Ben-Erik & Michael Wink: Medicinal Plants of the World. Portland, Oregon, Timber Press 2004.
Skenderi, Gazmend: Herbal Vade Mecum. 800 Herbs, Spices, Essential Oils, Lipids Etc. Constituents, Properities, Uses, and Caution. Rutherford, New Jersey, Herbacy Press 2003.
Skidmore-Roth, Linda: Mosby’s Handbook of Herbs & Natural Supplements. St. Louis, Mosby 2001.

Badam-Almond-Benefits Of Herbal by samurai

Badam-Almond-Benefits Of Herbal by samurai

Badam (Prunus amygdalus) (Almond)
Pharmacological action: Nutritive, nervine tonic, aphrodisiac.
Medicinal use: Effective in mental fatigue, throat and chest c
Almond can do wonders to your skin, hair and general health.

This nut is antioxidant rich, high in vitamin E, fat and protein content along with containing many essential nutrients. The daily usage of this wonderful home ingredient can treat many ailments and treats various beauty and hair issues.

Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Almond Oil For Skin, Hair And Health:

Almond oil comes in two variants: sweet and bitter with the sweet oil being more popular. This variety is loaded with many skin, hair and health benefits, making it a popular ingredient in may beauty products.1

Almond Oil for Skin:

Almond oil is a popular essential oil commonly used in aromatherapy and is suitable for most skin types. It is also commonly used in many baby skin care range of products also. Below are some of the benefits of almond oil for skin.

Benefit No. 1: Makes Skin Healthier

Almond oil is rich in vitamin A, B and E, which are great for skin health. In fact, most skin care products have these vitamins loaded in them. The oil helps maintaining moisture levels of the skin and gets absorbed in a jiffy without blocking the pores. Overall, almond oil for skin care helps:

Improve the complexion and retaining glow
Moisturize better and deeper
Soothe skin irritation and skin inflammation
Relieve dry and irritated skin
Nourish skin, making it softer and smoother
Cures chapped lips and body rashes.

[ Read: Almond Oil For Skin ]
Benefit No. 2: Reduces Dark Circles

If you are looking for a natural solution to get rid of dark under eye circles, almond oil is most suitable. Simply apply the oil before going to bed and allow it to work while you sleep. For optimum results do so regularly for a couple of weeks at least. The treatment will help you get rid of dark circles as well as reduce dark eyelids and crow’s feet.

Benefit No. 3: Delayed Signs of Ageing

Almond oil is excellent to reverse and prevent signs of ageing by renewing skin cells and invigorating the skin, ensuring younger, fresher and more radiant skin.

Benefit No. 4: Removes Impurities and Dead Skin Cells

The skin tends to look dull due to dead skin cells that originate due to external factors like pollution, dirt, sweat, etc. In order to get rid of these dead skin cells and brighten the skin, make a pack by crushing 4-5 almonds, a teaspoon of milk, little lemon juice and gram flour. Combine the ingredients and apply on the face for at least 30 minutes before washing it off with water. Alternatively, a scrub can be made using a tbsp. of almond oil and a tsp. of sugar. Massage this scrub on the face in small circular motions to get rid of dead skin cells and blackheads.

Benefit No. 5: Good solution for Psoriasis and Eczema

Almond oil helps reducing inflammation, itching and redness of the skin. Make a mixture by adding 2 tbsp. of almond oil, 5 drops of German Chamomile oil, 5 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of vitamin E oil. Apply the mixture to the skin several times a day to ease the symptoms and get rid of cracked skin and other skin problems.

Benefit No. 6: Reduce Tanning

Due to sun exposure, many parts the face and body tend to get darker and tanned. To remove the layer of tan, make a paste of almond oil, honey, lime juice and milk powder. Apply the paste on the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing with water. This will help get rid of the tan and also restore lost moisture of the skin.

Benefit No. 7: Substitute for Hand and Foot Cream

Almond oil is a light and less greasy substitute for hand and foot creams. Due to its lightness, it is absorbed by the skin very quickly. Moreover, it also leaves a sweet fragrance behind. Due to its rich zinc properties, it is known to heal the skin and get rid of dry and cracked skin on all parts of the body.

Benefit No. 8: Ideal Makeup Remover

Almond oil is a light and less greasy option that acts as an ideal makeup remover. Almond oil effectively opens the pores and ensures all makeup is properly removed. Moreover, it averts the odds of acne and pimple occurrence and can be used for all skin types.

Benefit No. 9: Treats Chapped Lips

For soft and pink lips, a simple way is to use almond oil. Make your own natural lip balm by mixing almond oil and some honey. Store the mixture in an empty container and use it on the lips whenever they feel dry.2

A simple almond oil recipe for enhancing skin health and its glow is:


1 tablespoon almond oil
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 avocado

Mash the avocado and mix in all the ingredients to form a puree.
Apply the mix to the skin on all areas.
Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water and pat dry.
Benefit No. 10: Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Are those fine lines and crowfeet spoiling your whole facial look? Be prepared to pamper your skin with a weekend almond oil massage as this is one of the most well known benefit of almond oil. This will help in improving the blood circulation and tightening up your dull, aged skin.

Simply heat 2 teaspoons of almond oil and pour 2 drops of Vitamin E oil to it. After it comes to bearable heat, start applying this oil on your face and massage gently with finger tips in circular motion. Continue this process for about 10-15 minutes and wipe off your face with a soft towel or tissue.

Splash water and pat dry. You’re done. This facial massage repairs skin and helps eliminating those wrinkles and fine lines with regular use. It also moisturizes and nourishes the dry skin.

Almond Oil for Hair:

Almond oil adds lustre and makes hair look and feel healthy. Due to many cosmetic benefits of the oil, it is used in a wide variety of beauty treatments. Below are some benefits of almond oil for hair.

Benefit No. 11: Long and Healthy Hair

Almond oil is a rich source of magnesium which is used in a variety of hair products. Deficiency of magnesium can result in heavy hair fall. Apply almond oil once or twice a week to moisturize the scalp. This reduces hair fall and improves hair quality. After massaging, soak a towel in hot water and wrap your hair with it. This ensures better absorption of the oil.

Benefit No. 12: Get Rid of Split Ends

A mixture of almond, castor and olive oil in equal proportions massaged into the hair will get rid of split ends. Apply this once or twice a week to notice a change in just a few weeks.

Benefit No. 13: Substitute for Shine Enhancers and Leave-In Conditioners

Almond oil is light in texture and makes a great substitute for shine enhancers or leave-in conditioners for hair. For those with dry hair, almond oil on hair has high moisturizing properties due to the essential fatty acids it contains.

Benefit No. 14: Leaves Hair Shiny and Soft

Make a mixture of mashed avocado and oil mask and apply it to the hair as a hair mask. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing with your shampoo and conditioner. The mask ensures shinier and softer hair.

Benefit No. 15: Treats Dandruff

Almond oil works effectively to cure dandruff on the scalp by removing dead cells. A mixture of mashed gooseberry and almond oil put on the hair and left for 30 minutes, followed by a hair wash, is sure to soothe the scalp and ensure shinier hair.

[ Read: Almond Oil Is Helpful For Hair ]

Benefit No. 16: Reduces Scalp Inflammation

Our scalp is exposed to dust, heat, pollution, chemical styling products which leads to inflammation. And ignorance of this problem can lead to dandruff, scalp infections and hair fall. Almond oil should be regularly used on the scalp to reduce the inflammation. Due to its high content of fatty acids, it moisturises and softens the scalp tissues and improves the blood circulation, which helps in reducing the inflammation.

Health Benefits of Almond Oil:

Eating raw almonds is very beneficial. However, almond oil has its own set of benefits for health. Following are almond oil health benefits.

Benefit No. 17: Prevents Heart Ailments

Almond oil is rich in folic acids, saturated fats, protein and potassium. All these are proved to be beneficial for cardiac health. Simply add a teaspoon of sweet almond oil in your daily cooking to enjoy its benefits.

[ Read: Almonds for Weight Loss ]

Benefit No. 18: Regulates Blood Pressure and Maintains Cholesterol Levels

Almond oil has a high potassium content and low sodium content that helps regulate blood pressure and maintains cholesterol levels. This prevents development of and cardiac related issues.

Benefit No. 19: Boosts Immunity and Aids Digestion

Almond oil is known to boost immunity and regular consumptions makes the body stronger to fight common infections. It also proves to be an effective laxative and aids digestion.

Benefit No. 20: Boost Memory and Strengthens Nervous System

Almond oil boosts memory and strengthens the nervous system. Add a few drops of the oil to a glass of milk and consume it regularly. Almond oil is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and mono-saturated fats that make it ideal for consumption. Almond oil can also be used as a tasty salad dressing.

Benefit No. 21: Enhances Blood Circulation and Baby’s Bone Development

Massaging with almond oil enhances the body’s blood circulation and also helps development of the bone system in a baby. Give your baby a regular massage with almond oil for soft skin and healthy bone development.

Benefit No. 22: Relives Pain and Stress of Muscles

Almond oil has analgesic properties that helps relieve pain and stress from strained muscles. A few tablespoons of heated almond oil, when massaged in to the affected area gives instant relief from joint paints.

Benefit No. 23: Promotes Healthy and Strong Nails

To get healthy and strong nails, massage them with a few drops of almond oil. The potassium and zinc content leaves the nails stronger and more hydrated, making them less prone to peeling or breakage.

Beauty Benefit Of Almond Oil:

Benefits No. 24: Get Natural Big Flirty Eyelashes

If you always dreamt of having those big flirty eyelashes then make sure you have a bottle of almond oil.  You can simply use an old mascara wand, dip it in the almond oil and apply the oil on the eyelashes just like applying mascara. Repeat it a few times and ensure that all the eyelashes are covered in oil. You can do this simple recipe before sleeping or whenever you have some leisure time to get natural fuller eyelashes.

Now that you know the benefits that almond oil possess, do not forget to add this natural ingredient in your shopping lists. Let a few drops of this wonder oil work like a magic spell to transform a beautiful you.

Babuna -Camomile-Benefits Of Herbal by shakir

Babuna -Camomile-Benefits Of Herbal by shakir

Babuna (Matricaria chamomilla) (Camomile)
Pharmacological action: Disinfectant, antiseptic, sedative, ant
Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita)

Chamomile Benefits
The term Chamomile actually refers to a range of different daisy-like plants, which are a member of the Asteraceae family. There are many different species of chamomile, the two most commonly being German chamomile (Marticaria recutita) and Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile). They have been used since Ancient times for their calming and anti-inflammatory properties, and each offer their own additional health benefits.


Chamomile is an age-old medicinal herb known in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Chamomile's popularity grew throughout the Middle Ages when people turned to it as a remedy for numerous medical complaints including asthma, colic, fevers, inflammations, nausea, nervous complaints, children's ailments, skin diseases and cancer. As a popular remedy, it may be thought of as the European counterpart of the Chinese tonic Ginseng.


Chamomile are native in many countries throughout Europe, and are cultivated in such countries as Germany, Egypt, France, Spain, Italy, Morocco, and parts of Eastern Europe. The various different Chamomile plants are very distinct and require their own set of conditions to grow. For example, Roman chamomile is a perennial plant (meaning it will live more than two years). It grows close to the ground and has smallish blossoming flowers. It tends to be bitter when used in teas. German chamomile, on the other hand, is a sweeter variety. It is an annual plant and can grow large blossoms up to three feet in height.

Active Ingredients

The plant's healing properties come from its daisy-like flowers, which contain volatile oils (including bisabolol, bisabolol oxides A and B, and matricin) as well as flavonoids (particularly a compound called apinegin) and other therapeutic substances.

Health Benefits

Chamomile has been used for centuries in teas as a mild, relaxing sleep aid, treatment for fevers, colds, stomach ailments, and as an anti-inflammatory, to name only a few therapeutic uses. Chamomile may be used internally or externally. Extensive scientific research over the past 20 years has confirmed many of the traditional uses for the plant and established pharmacological mechanisms for the plant's therapeutic activity, including antipeptic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-allergenic activity.

Recent and on-going research has identified chamomile's specific anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, muscle relaxant, antispasmodic, anti-allergenic and sedative properties, validating its long-held reputation. This attention appears to have increased the popularity of the herb and nowadays Chamomile is included as a drug in the pharmacopoeia of 26 countries.

Specifically, chamomile may:

As a tea, be used for lumbago, rheumatic problems and rashes.
As a salve, be used for hemorrhoids and wounds.
As a vapor, be used to alleviate cold symptoms or asthma.
Relieve restlessness, teething problems, and colic in children.
Relieve allergies, much as an antihistamine would.
Aid in digestion when taken as a tea after meals.
Relieve morning sickness during pregnancy.
Speed healing of skin ulcers, wounds, or burns.
Treat gastritis and ulcerative colitis.
Reduce inflammation and facilitate bowel movement without acting directly as a purgative.
Be used as a wash or compress for skin problems and inflammations, including inflammations of mucous tissue.
Promote general relaxation and relieve stress. Animal studies show that chamomile contains substances that act on the same parts of the brain and nervous system as anti-anxiety drugs. Never stop taking prescription medications, however, without consulting your doctor.
Control insomnia. Chamomile's mildly sedating and muscle-relaxing effects may help those who suffer from insomnia to fall asleep more easily.
Treat diverticular disease, irritable bowel problems and various gastrointestinal complaints. Chamomile's reported anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic actions relax the smooth muscles lining the stomach and intestine. The herb may therefore help to relieve nausea, heartburn, and stress-related flatulence. It may also be useful in the treatment of diverticular disorders and inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease.
Soothe skin rashes (including eczema), minor burns and sunburn. Used as a lotion or added in oil form to a cool bath, chamomile may ease the itching of eczema and other rashes and reduces skin inflammation. It may also speed healing and prevent bacterial infection.
Treat eye inflammation and infection. Cooled chamomile tea can be used in a compress to help soothe tired, irritated eyes and it may even help treat conjunctivitis.
Heal mouth sores and prevent gum disease. A chamomile mouthwash may help soothe mouth inflammations and keep gums healthy.
Reduce menstrual cramps. Chamomile's believed ability to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus helps ease the discomfort of menstrual cramping.
Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile oil is an essential oil extracted from the chamomile flower.

Chamomile essential oil is extracted from the blossom (flowers) of the plant. To extract oil from the plants, most manufacturers use steam distillation. The flowers are placed in a still, where hot steam is then applied. The steam—which must be hot enough to penetrate the plant without burning it—forces the essential oil out of the plant so it can be collected independently. The amount of oil each plant yields depends on the variety - fresh Roman chamomile flowers tend to yield 1.7% essential oil, while German chamomile flowers yield only 0.2–0.4% essential oil.

The oil serves many medicinal purposes, but one of the best-documented uses is for relaxation. The oil has a calming effect on people, and can be used to help induce sleep, ease frayed nerves, and promote a general sense of calmness and well being. It is great for those with nervousness or anxiety problems. Aside from having mental calming properties, chamomile is also good at relaxing sore muscles and tight joints. It can ease menstrual cramps and back aches, as well as relax the digestive system to ease upset stomach or indigestion issues. When applied topically to the skin, it soothes redness and irritation. For this reason, it is a common ingredient in skincare. It also eliminates itchiness and is good for those with allergic reactions. Sometimes chamomile is used on rashes. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can work to take down swelling caused by rashes or skin irritants.

Finally, the oil has anti bacterial properties and can help to clean and protect wounds from infections. It is commonly used as an all-natural remedy for dental abscesses, conjunctivitis, and other infections.

There are a wide variety of ways in which chamomile essential oil can be ingested or applied on the body, depending on the reason the product is being used. For example, the oil can either be applied topically—when dealing with skin problems, or ingested orally—for upset stomach or other gastrointestinal issues. To ingest the oil, it should be diluted into water, as only a small amount is highly potent. One to two drops in a glass of water should be sufficient for using as a mouthwash or ingesting for stomach problems. To use in a bath as an aromatherapy agent and muscle relaxant, less than 10 drops should still be sufficient.

The scent of the essential oil can be inhaled as a form of aromatherapy. The oil can be vaporized for aromatherapy use. This method works well to soothe nerves and headaches. It can be blended with another oil, such as such as sesame, mineral, or olive, to be used for massaging aching muscles and joints. Finally, the oil can be blended with other cream based lotions to provide relief from rashes and irritated skin.

Other Uses

In addition to medicinal use, chamomile enjoys wide usage, especially in Europe and the U.S., as a refreshing beverage tea and as an ingredient in numerous cosmetic and external preparations. Rob McCaleb, President of the Herb Research Foundation in Boulder, Colorado estimates that over one million cups of Chamomile tea are ingested worldwide each day, making it probably the most widely consumed herbal tea.


Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckman J, eds. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs. Newton, MA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000:57–61.

Lee SH, Heo Y, Kim YC. Effect of German chamomile oil application on alleviating atopic dermatitis-like immune alterations in mice. Journal Veterinary Science. 2010;11(1):35–41.

McKay DL, Blumberg JB. A review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of chamomile tea (Matricaria recutita L.). Phytotherapy Research. 2006;20(7):519–530.

Natural Standard Database Web site. Accessed at on November 7, 2013.

Srivastava J, Shankar E, Gupta S (2011) Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Mol Med 3: 895–901.


While chamomile essential oil is generally quite safely used by people of all ages, it is not recommended for those who are pregnant. Additionally, it is recommended that those with strong allergies to plants such as ragweed do a spot check on a small patch of skin before applying to the whole body. This is because chamomile can, on occasion, cause allergic reactions.

If you suffer from allergies to plants of the Compositae family (a large group including such flowers as daisies, ragweed, asters and chrysanthemums), you may wish to be cautious about using chamomile at first. While there have been isolated reports of allergic reactions, causing skin rashes and bronchial constriction, most people can use this herb with no problem.

Azraqi -Benefits Of Herbal by shakir

Azraqi -Benefits Of Herbal by shakir

Azraqi (Strychnos nux-vomica) (Nux Vomica)
Pharmacological action: Nervine tonic, cerebral stimulant,
Nux vomica is a plant. The seed is used to make medicine.
By Webmd
Despite serious safety concerns, nux vomica is used for diseases of the digestive tract, disorders of the heart and circulatory system, diseases of the eye, and lung disease. It is also used for nerve conditions, depression, migraine headache, symptoms of menopause, and a blood vessel disorder called Raynaud's disease.

Other uses include treatment of “tired blood” (anemia), as a tonic, and as an appetite stimulant.

Men use nux vomica for erectile dysfunction (ED, impotence).

In manufacturing, nux vomica is used as rat poison. That’s because it contains strychnine and brucine, two deadly chemicals.

How does it work?
Nux vomica contains strychnine and other chemicals that affect the brain and cause muscle contractions. This can lead to convulsions and death. Strychnine in amounts that are too small to produce symptoms can still be a serious problem. Small amounts of strychnine build up in the body with continued use, especially in people with liver disease. This can cause death in a period of weeks. Strychnine poisoning can be detected with laboratory tests.
Conditions of Use and Important Information: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on WebMD. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.

This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version. © Therapeutic Research Faculty 2009.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Asalas Soos -Benefits Of Herbal by shakir

Asalas Soos -Benefits Of Herbal by shakir
Asalas Soos (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (Liquorice)
Pharmacological action: Cooling, demulcent, expectoran
The English Names for this herb are Glycyrrhiza, Liquorice.
The Urdu Names for this herb are Asalas-Soos, Khoga Waley, Khwazha, Malkhuzgi, Malkhuzi, Malkhuzigi, Mithi Kaathi, Mulaithi.
Pharmacological Actions
Gentle Laxative
Local Stimulant
Mineralocorticoid Activity
Nervine Stimulant
Nervine Tonic