6 Organic Strategies Conservation of Natural SEO
Conservation of Natural Protected areas are not sufficient for nature conservation, especially for migratory ... The ability to define strategies that combine these and other management engine optimization is a precious resource. However, due to spam and dozens of other unsavory practices that pollute the Internet, this resource is being exploited at the expense of its natural inhabitants – the users.Aim for organic or natural tactics to create a sustainable future for your website and its users using these tips!
1. Website Ownership
Own your website. Can you achieve success with a free-host provider? Yes, but there are a few things working against you. First, you have greater control over the design and architecture if you own your own website. Second, users and publishers are more inclined to trust websites that have a vested interest. And finally, free-hosts are prone to spam, which may result in search engine penalties.
2. Website Content and Structure
Natural SEO embodies originality, quality, relevance, navigation, and transparency on every page. You should test the quality of your website, page for page. Stay away from unnatural methods like doorway pages, shadow domains, and other deceptive practices. Clean up your website and implement measures to prevent any unnatural links coming from or pointing toward your website. Tip: Check out Google’s Webmaster Tools to test the health of your website, understand your traffic and more.
3. Quality, Original Content
Content advocates your authority in your niche and promotes stickiness a lower bounce rate. Target your readers by ensuring a good user experience and use creative content both onsite and off. Submit articles to credible article directories, guest post on quality websites, create informational products, shoot videoes, etc. – get your original content out there to let your voice be heard and brand be seen by users and search engines. Reuse your successful articles to create valuable content for your website, social media, and more.
4. Social Interaction
Social is being integrated more and more into natural SEO every day. From +1's to tweets to likes, links shared on social media sites have a positive exposure impact. Considerations of social interaction include authority, following, relevance, positive engagement, and diversity of sources. Some tips to encourage social engagement: keep it short, visual, regular, relevant, timely, and motivating use a call-to-action.
5. Relevant Keyword Research
Using tools like Google’s Keyword Tool or your Traffic Search Terms, look for quality, relevant keywords that suit your platform and your audience. Use these keywords to brainstorm new content, but moderate your usage and integrate keywords properly to avoid unnatural SEO avoid keyword stuffing!.
6. Long-Tail Method
Write dynamic, high-demand articles using the long-tail method. Using your keywords, reader-oriented benefits, and power words, create great dynamic long-tail titles within 65-70 characters. For example, Weight Loss Tips may be in demand, but it’s also in the highest supply (more competition). However, you increase your chances by targeting where demand is high, but the supply is much lower: Weight Loss for Women Over 40: Top 7 Painless Tips to Drop a Size.
Use the above natural SEO tips to foster a great user experience and a healthy web environment. What natural SEO tactics work for you? Let us know in the comments section below – we’d love to hear from you!