Showing posts with label 6 Diet Foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 Diet Foods. Show all posts

Monday, December 22, 2014

Expert Book Natural Beauty Tips Would You Like To Turn The Clock Back

Expert Book Natural Beauty Tips Would You Like To Turn The Clock Back

Why Your Kitchen Holds The Key To Increasing Your Beauty
Would you like to turn the clock back and have your face look 5 to 10 years younger in just minutes a day, all while never even leaving your home?

Would you like to save money every month on those skin creams, expensive hair treatments, and even those painful “tox” procedures, and get it all while receiving the same exact benefits at a fraction of the cost?
Expert Book Natural Beauty Tips

Are you willing to spend just 5 minutes a day to enhance your beauty...naturally, painlessly, and near-effortlessly... giving you results you can see instantly...

all for less than you will spend on lunch today?Just Click

If so, my life’s passion and devotion to empowering women of all ages with the tips and natural techniques that enhance and restore your youthful beauty is going to make you jump for joy...
Yes, Natural Beauty “Secrets” Really Do Exist

When I first became interested in enhancing my beauty—softening the fine lines that started to appear on my face after giving birth, restoring my hair’s youthful luster, and ridding myself of cellulite—I knew I was on to something that few women would ever discover...

And I made a vow to myself to share what I discovered with as many women as possible.

When I began my search for home-based, natural, non-surgical, and inexpensive beauty enhancers, I was absolutely shocked at how manipulative the beauty industry had become...

And how often they lied to women, all for the sake of selling snake oil miracles, and tricking us out of our hard-earned money.

I’m a positive person by nature, so you can imagine how hurt and devastated I felt when learning more about this multi-billion dollar scam—a scam even the smartest of women have fallen for, and one that I have devoted my life to exposing.

Did you know that one of the lies the cosmetic and skin care companies tell women is that there is no such thing as “natural beauty treatments?”

It’s true. In fact, they spend millions of dollars every year trying to convince you that the only solution to younger-looking skin, silky, strong hair, and reducing cellulite is surgery, expensive creams that cost hundreds of dollars a month, or “tox”...

 you know, those needles a lot of us have tried?

Sure, it works—yet, I have something that works without the pain and the expense... and it gives you the same exact result.

I’ll share more about this with you in a moment... first, I really want to be clear about something important. While remarkable natural beauty solutions are out there...

These Unique Beauty Tips Are Really Hard To Find

Ladies, it took me years to discover all the secrets I want to share with you today...

So please, know that it’s not your fault that you’ve never heard of some of these right-in-your-kitchen remedies that you can put on your face, hair, thighs, belly, and more...

Remedies that help to slow the outward signs of aging...

Reducing the severity of fine lines and wrinkles, restoring smooth, youthful skin on your face, neck, breasts, and body...

And that gives you back that super-silky, almost glowing hair you had in your teenage years...

And Just To Think: I Had An Unfair Advantage!

My name is Hanan, and I have a rather embarrassing confession to make before I share these tips with you today:

If I would have listened to my mother, I would have saved a lot of time.

You see, my mother was descended from Persian royalty. She is no longer with us today, and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t miss her. Yet, as a child, as most children do, I thought I knew better.

My mother felt she had to maintain her beauty for political reasons, as well as her own passion for looking her best for my father. She would always share these “crazy” home-based “concoctions” with me (you see, I was her “little Princess.”) I wasn’t interested. After all, I was NEVER going to grow old!

Maybe you can relate to feeling that as a kid as well...

Even into my early 20s, I ignored the advice of my mother out of sheer rebellion. I was caught up in the Lebanon beauty and fashion craze... and all the rave back then was expensive beauty creams from America and Europe.

I thought my mother was just “old-fashioned”. I believed that I was younger, smarter, and more hip to the times.

It took me another fifteen years to realize how wrong I was, and how wise my mother’s beauty solutions really were. She never looked a day over 35, even though she was fifteen years older than that when she passed away too soon in a political attack.

Everything Became Crystal Clear When I Read My Mother’s Journal
I was given my mother’s journal not soon after her passing, along with photos of her throughout her life. I noticed how happy she looked, and how beautiful, even as the years passed...

It looked as if she was born without the “wrinkle gene”.

Even with a tinge of grey in her hair, she looked fifteen years younger than most women her age...

Of course, there was so much more to my mother than her beauty. I’d love to share that with you at another time.

I was going through some really stressful, hurtful times in my life during those days...times that aged me rapidly. My once-youthful skin was aging fast, despite all those fancy and expensive beauty treatments all my friends and I were hooked on.

I was spending hundreds of dollars each and every month, and seeing nothing for my efforts. In fact, I had to face the harsh truth:

I was aging faster than I ever dreamed I would...

However, inside my mother’s journal was the answer:

She had transcribed ALL of her home-based beauty remedies for me to pass down to my own family. What a treasure!

The Answers Were Found For Pennies Right In My Kitchen

I was shocked to re-discover all of her tips, secrets, and remedies... and even more shocked to find out that they had been passed down from Persian royalty for over a thousand years!

Here I was, this know-it-all gal who thought that modern beauty manufacturers surely knew more than my mother... yet little did I know that she was using methods that were virtually sacred to our culture...

Methods of enhancing every aspect of female beauty, without relying on creams (most of which are full of toxins and chemicals that do you far more harm than good), and before the words “plastic surgery” or “the Tox” were ever used.

These were the secrets of actual REAL princesses, queens, and royalty throughout the East and Orient, and I simply could not believe that I had ignored them all these years!

I vowed to make up for my childhood silliness, and devour every word, every tip, every secret my mother passed down to me...

And what surprised me the most? Almost everything I needed to restore my beauty was 7 feet to my left... right in my kitchen.

You see, queens and princesses throughout history only had natural means of increasing and maintaining their youthful beauty...

And if you have seen any of their portraits, or could see my mother’s family line, you would know for a fact they work almost like magic...

So I Decided To Put My Mother’s Secrets, As Well As Dozens Of My Own, Into One Little Beauty “Handbook” For Women

After a few more years of studying what REALLY causes skin to age faster than it should in women, how to reduce cellulite and wrinkles in the most rapid way possible, and uncovering some of the modern era’s most powerful all-natural beauty enhancers, I decided to put everything I discovered into one simple-to-use beauty blueprint for women...

The Beauty of Food is the result, and women from all parts of the world, and of all ages, are raving about the results they are seeing... and the money they are saving... and the pain they are avoiding by using PROVEN beauty solutions that really work!

Inside The Beauty Of Food You Will Discover...
My coveted “Fifty-Cent Botox Alternative” that takes about 7 minutes to prepare, less than $.50 to make, and leaves you looking as if you just went to a Tox Party (just without those red, blotchy marks and needle marks!)
Which foods you can use topically (this is NOT a diet) that instantly improves the tightness and texture of your skin...
The Eastern shiny hair secret that blows away any shampoo...
The "Persian Princess" mixture that I use on myself and my clients to give your neck area a fantastic younger look
Tips for younger looking hands (ladies, you know how important hands are!)
How best to avoid future wrinkles, and how to deal with the ones you may have right now
The very few store-bought items I recommend (there are not many)... and ladies, these are not required (I just wanted to be thorough)
Simple "add this food" tips that will help you slow the aging process... and no, this is not a diet (personally I don't enjoy dieting at all, but I love these tasty foods!)
The real reasons we age faster than we should, and what you can do about it, starting today...
And much, much more...

6 Diet Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Diet Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Skim through the following 6 smart food swaps for weight loss to get rid of extra pounds which can ruin ... If you're really determined to lose weight fast,It is just useless to think about getting slim and smart figure without reducing the 
Anti-Cancer-Diet,Quick Weight Loss,

consumption of high-calorie snacks. So, if you want a dramatic change in your appearance, 

first step is amendment of your diet plan and addition of some food in the routine diet that 

can help you in the accomplishment of your task.

Some six smart food options are there that can help you reduce weight quickly. These 

healthy, nutiritive foods stimulate the fat’s decomposition in the body and the antioxidants 

and vitamins ensure the proper functioning of your metabolic and digestive systems.

Grilled Green Peppers

If you love grilled veggies, incorporate them into your weekly weight-loss plan. One 

plateful of grilled green peppers contains just 4 calories. Combine this food option with 

turkey breast or other veggies to get rid of additional pounds quickly.
Grape Tomatoes

Keep your diet plan diverse be pushing tasty new veggies into your recipes. Tomatoes, a 

vitamin rich natural ingredient, have very low calories. One cup of grape tomatoes has 30 

calories only. So, let tomatoes join hand with you in reducing weight. Eating green salad 

that contains tomato is the easiest way to consume tomatoes regularly.

Brown Rice Roll Sushi

Try new recipes for getting accustomed to a calorie-restrictive and versatile diet plan. One 

brown rice roll sushi offers you just 28 calories and you can consume five pieces of this 

luscious snack without feeling the guilt of gorging and weight-gain.
Broccoli Pancakes

Consume snacks full of vitamins and fiber to suppress your hunger in the smart way. One 

portion of broccoli pancake contains 80 calories only and enables you to resist the 

enticement of cravings. Besides, broccoli also has positive effect on your digestive system.
Scallion Hummus

A snack created by combining baby carrots or celery sticks with 1 tbs. of scallion hummus 

contains only 25 calories. Consuming veggie dips is a perfect way to lose weight without 

depriving yourself of filling foods.
Chives and Sour Cream

Dip celery-sticks or other veggies into this wonderful ingredient mixture. One plateful of 

chives and sour cream encloses 70 calories and helps you a lot in reducing pounds instantly.