Effective Home Remedies For Hair Loss
Loss of hair is very annoying،A few tips for the avoidance of For your benefit,Hair loss or baldness is the excessive hair loss from scalp and may be heredity, due to certain medications or basic medical condition. People use different medicines to prevent baldness which sometimes have side effects as well. So, if you the problem of hair loss then first you should try home remedies to stop or at least reduce it. Then if you don’t get desired results then you may consult any dermatologist for the solution of your problem.
Some effective home remedies for hair loss are given below:
Massage of uncooked egg yolk over the scalp helps a lot in reducing hair loss. Wash the hair after 60 minutes. You will notice hairs are looking shiny and healthy after washing.
Use of red henna over the scalp also make the hair healthy and in turn reduce hair loss. You can also use the mixture of mustard oil and henna for healthy hair growth. Burn henna leaves in the oil first. Now filter the oil and massage it regularly.
Prepare a solution by boiling mustard seeds in water. Drink the solution after cooling. It works a lot in reducing hair loss.
Another effective tip to reduce hair fall and promote hair growth is the application of coconut milk over the scalp and rubbing it into roots of the hair.
Prepare a mixture using olive oil, rosemary, lemon juice and egg yolk and apply it into the hair roots. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash off.
Massage of olive oil over the scalp also works in preventing baldness.
Immerse fenugreek (Hilba) in water for a night. Rub the liquid over the scalp and cover it up with a cloth for 3 hours.
Repeat daily for 1 month to get desired results.